Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Favorite Style within Renaissance Art

I have studied art from the Renaissance period in previous courses. However one aspect of European art that intrigued me in this class was Mannerism. I had never heard the term before taking this class and it was a pleasure to learn about something new and interesting!
                I am an oil painter and I am so fascinated with the Mannerist style because I feel that I have a connection with the strangeness of some works. I completed my first oil painting in high school and most of my inspiration was drawn from Renaissance artists. Though, as an artist, I’ve evolved into more of a surrealist which explains why I enjoy mannerism so much because that seemed to be the ‘Surrealism’ period of the Renaissance.  I love looking at a piece of work and being forced to ask questions. For example, when I first saw the painting Madonna with the Long Neck by Parmigianino, I had several questions going through my head. I wondered why the artist made the child’s body so large and why the Madonna’s head was so tiny, not to mention the un-functional pillar in the background. I couldn’t take my eyes off of this piece because it was so interesting to me. Parmigianino made his figures so realistic in terms of texture and color, which is why the proportions in this composition are so bothersome to look at. For example, if the baby’s head, hands and feet were covered, he would look normal because of the musculature and subtleties that the artist captured. One of my favorite parts of the piece, though, is the set of pillars lined up in the background. Parmigianino has completely de-functionalized classically derived architectural form which is shocking at first glance and makes the piece that much more unpredictable.   
                Another work that held my attention was Allegory with Venus and Cupid by Bronzino. This painting appears to be completely bizarre to most of its viewers and to me it seems a bit overwhelming. However, I am so attracted to this piece because of its strange ability to hypnotize the viewer into believing that the imagery is acceptable. The situation depicted in this painting is disturbing and uncomfortable but is redeemed by its unique characteristics and different taste that makes the viewer want to analyze every part of it. I am obsessed with the awkward poses that Bronzino has trapped the figures in. I even find a bit of humor looking at this painting simply because the inappropriate behavior between Cupid and Venus is unsettling as it is, but then to the right of them, a young child is running up about the throw flower petals at them as if celebrating their relationship. It is so absurd, I love it!
                In my own work, I tend to exaggerate details and color. I am attracted to vibrant and unnatural color while utilizing true-to-life characteristics. As did the mannerist artists, I am inspired by naturalistic and classical artistic styles, but I exaggerate them while keeping the imagery believable. 


  1. There are a lot of people this quarter who are drawn to Mannerism! I don't blame you guys - it's a very interesting style (from a visually perspective). Personally, I love connecting this style to the turmoil which was experienced in Italy during the Reformation as well.

    -Prof. Bowen

  2. I wonder if the awkward poses of Mannerism are a stylized attempt to show movement. Many figures have a frozen quality to them as if they are caught in the act of sitting down or standing up. Of course, these same figures would often be taller than the frame of the canvas that they're painted on. I think that large figures on small canvases give a sense of confinement- as if the artist is afraid that the figure might float away if it is not boxed in.

  3. First and foremost Brooke you are an amazing painter, I admire your work. With that being said, Mannerism is very interesting style of art, I love how everything is exaggurated, unique and kind of awkward. I personally thought that the Allegory with Venus and Cupid was quite disturbing, I felt a sence of uncomfortableness when I first saw it. The relationship between the two subjects really bothers me. Other than the subject matter I find the painting techniques interesting and quite beautiful.

  4. I too liked learning about the Mannerism art era. its just such striking art to look at and i think it takes more for the viewer to engage into the art and try to either place themselves into the painting or into the artist's mind and figure out what is going on.
